Dialect book of maps

Speaking American Book

In 2013, Josh Katz put together a dialect quiz that showed where people talk like you, based on your own vocabulary. Things like coke versus soda. It’s a fine example of how we’re often talking about the same thing but say or express it differently. Speaking American is the book version of the dialect quiz results.

It’s a fun coffee/kitchen table book to flip through casually. It’s not just a book maps. It’s a highlight of the interesting bits and provides some short explanations for why the differences exist. I’ve been enjoying bits and pieces on the occasion my son takes an unreasonable amount of time to finish his dinner.

Get it on Amazon.

Tags: book, dialect, language

National drug overdose epidemic

Drug overdose epidemic

Nadja Popovich for the Guardian delves into America’s drug overdose epidemic, starting with an animated map that shows changes from 1999 to 2014.

On initial look, the map looks like your standard county map, but there’s a small wrinkle in the design that makes the geographic spread over time much easier to see. The switch in the top right corner, to toggle between 1999 and 2014, looks like any other. But instead of just a quick flip between 1999 and 2014, the map shifts with annual data, so you can see a smooth transition instead of an abrupt contrast.

Other options, like small multiples or a scroll bar might have worked as an overview, but this route brings focus and eliminates much of the guesswork.

Very nice.

Tags: animation, drugs, Guardian, health