Dromedar frisst Kakteen mit Zentimeter langen Stacheln

Offenbar für das Dromedar gar kein Ding und sogar Teil der alltäglichen Nahrung. Allerdings schwer bis zum Ende anzusehen, da das Video irgendwie eine Art Phantomschmerz übermittelt. Da möchte man nicht tauschen müssen.

Ein Zoologe dazu:

Camel mouths are full of cone-shaped papillae that look like this. These protrusions are partly keratinised – keratin being the hard stuff your nails are made out of – which makes them tough n‘ semi-rigid, feeling a bit like the middle of tupperware lids when you squish ‚em. The plastic-ey cones not only help protect the mouth from internal damage – scratches, abrasions etc. – when they feed on thorns and other nasties, but they also manipulate the food to go down in one direction.

Worth mentioning that modern camels wouldn’t be eating cactus like this in the wild either; instead it’d be scrubby, thorny acacia bushes and the like. They also likely do feel some pain and discomfort eating this stuff, as much of their mouths – particularly their lips – are very sensitive, despite the papillae. Being metal as fuck though, camels just get on with it. They have an oddly voracious appetite for prickly pear and similar cacti native to North America, so clearly there’s something about those plants that camels love, despite the irritating prickles. Makes them sort of sadomasochistic diners, really.

Anywho, the same sorts of papillae structures have independently evolved multiple times across the animal kingdom; notably inside the mouths and throats of leatherback turtles. The shelled beasties likewise use ‚em to prevent themselves getting stung by their jellyfish prey, whilst also helping to keep the jellies moving down towards their demise, to be slowly digested in the darkness.

(Direktlink, via BoingBoing)

1000 Enten statt Pestizide auf einem Weingut

Das südafrikanische Weingut Vergenoegd verzichtet fast komplett auf Pestizide und setzt stattdessen auf über 1000 Laufenten, die Weinreben vor Schnecken und Insekten schützen sollen. Das kostet rund sieben Mal mehr, als der Einsatz von Pestiziden und wird ganz sicher auf den Weinpreis kommen. Für die Qualität des Weines haben dann aber auch ein paar Enten gearbeitet.

The flock, which started with six ducks in 1983, gives Vergenoegd extra points in the wine industry’s sustainability certification process as the 57-hectare vineyard now uses so little chemicals it does not need to declare them, Jacobs said.

Parading on the farm each day, the soldier-like birds are guided by a herder and can clear between half a hectare and a whole hectare a day, of the snails that are, besides fungal diseases, considered as the main threat to vines at the farm.

However, the high costs of keeping the birds are a downside. On a similar sized farm, growers could spend about 50,000 rand ($3,200) a season for pesticides, compared with 30,000 for just a month on ducks, which are kept in protective pens and are fed grain to augment their snail diet, said Jacobs.

(Direktlink, via Martin)