ONE – IMPALA RAYs neue Single ist da!

Tourauftakt erfolgreich – weiter geht die wilde Reise: Wie wir euch bereits berichtet haben, ist mit IMPALA RAY einer unser absoluten Lieblingsacts gerade auf großer Deutschlandtournee! Der Start der »FROM THE VALLEY TO THE SEA« Tour (so lautet übrigens auch der Name des Albums) war äußerst erfolgreich, die proppevollen Hallen in Augsburg, Ulm oder Würzburg sprechen da eine eindeutige Sprache.

Und weil die Sache gerade so gut läuft, wollen wir euch an dieser Stelle nicht nur die restlichen Tourstops (ihr findet unten eine Liste dazu) nahelegen, sondern euch auch hier superexklusiv die nächste Singleauskopplung präsentieren: ONE!

Im Video schultert die fidele Combo Hackbrett, Tuba & Co. und macht sich mit ihren Instrumenten auf den Weg gen Süden; wie schon Alexander der Große überstehen sie viele Schwierigkeiten (und erleben natürlich auch die annehmlichen Momente des Lebens, so ehrlich müssen wir sein) während ihrer Alpenüberquerung.
Doch wie immer ist die Musik das eigentliche Highlight, diese verrückte Mixtur aus Folk, Pop und bajuvarischen Klängen dürfte wohl auf seine Art und Weise einzigartig sein! IMPALA RAYS neue Single ONE erscheint am 28. Oktober, während ihr sie bereits bei uns genießen könnt, könnt ihr sie wiederum hier vorbestellen!
Und weil man sich den Besuch eines IMPALA RAY-Konzertes auf keinen Fall entgehen lassen sollte, gibt es hier noch wie angekündigt den kompletten Tourplan:

21.10. Traunstein – Metropolitain
22.10. Lauda-Königshofen – Kulturschock
28.10. Bayreuth – Glashaus
29.10. Nürnberg – nürnberg.pop Festival
07.11. Bamberg – Live Club
10.11. Regensburg – Alte Mälzerei
11.11. Biberach – Abdera
24.11. Freiburg – Waldsee
25.11. Karlsruhe – Jubez
26.11. Dresden – Beatpol
27.11. Berlin – Privatclub
30.11. Hamburg – Häkken
02.12. Stuttgart – Zwölfzehn
03.12. Konstanz – Kulturladen
09.12. Murnau – Westtor
10.12. Erding – Sonic
17.12. Passau – Zeughaus
18.12. München – Ampere

The design of extreme heavy metal logos


Logos from Hell is death metal illustrator/designer Mark Riddick's massive compendium of heavy metal band logos that he's gathered from across the globe. These are the sigils printed on foreboding LP jackets, scratched into school desks, scribbled onto notebooks, and inked into hesher arms the world over. From Wired:

As metal evolved into myriad subgenres, each more extreme than the last, wordmarks and branding evolved in step. “Logos just tend to get more and more extreme and as you branch out,” says Riddick. It’s reached the point that you can almost determine the style of music from the typography. Indeed, there might be no better example of typography’s multi-sensorial nature than extreme metal logos. Thrash metal bands like Metallica, Slayer, and Overkill adopted logos with straight, sharp edges to reflect the tight and controlled nature of the music. Death metal bands—which tend to focus on subjects like violence, religion, horror, and, yes, death—tend to incorporate those themes into logos that feature things like dripping blood, organs, severed limbs and skulls. The logos associated with black metal, which has its roots in deeply anti-Christian views, the occult and paganism, often are ornate, symmetrical, and derived from art nouveau’s swirling, rounded forms.







The design of extreme heavy metal logos


Logos from Hell is death metal illustrator/designer Mark Riddick's massive compendium of heavy metal band logos that he's gathered from across the globe. These are the sigils printed on foreboding LP jackets, scratched into school desks, scribbled onto notebooks, and inked into hesher arms the world over. From Wired:

As metal evolved into myriad subgenres, each more extreme than the last, wordmarks and branding evolved in step. “Logos just tend to get more and more extreme and as you branch out,” says Riddick. It’s reached the point that you can almost determine the style of music from the typography. Indeed, there might be no better example of typography’s multi-sensorial nature than extreme metal logos. Thrash metal bands like Metallica, Slayer, and Overkill adopted logos with straight, sharp edges to reflect the tight and controlled nature of the music. Death metal bands—which tend to focus on subjects like violence, religion, horror, and, yes, death—tend to incorporate those themes into logos that feature things like dripping blood, organs, severed limbs and skulls. The logos associated with black metal, which has its roots in deeply anti-Christian views, the occult and paganism, often are ornate, symmetrical, and derived from art nouveau’s swirling, rounded forms.







Music timeline plays through decades of top songs

Billboard top songs over the years

The Year that Music Died from Polygraph is an animated timeline that shows the Billboard top 5 songs since 1956, all the while playing the top song during a given week.

The visualization itself is fairly straightforward, but I like how everything shifts so smoothly. Artist thumbnails move up and down matching their position on the music chart, the number one songs play without sounding jerky, and a counter on the right keeps track of total weeks at number one per artist. [via Waxy]

Tags: Billboard, music, ranking